1、貨物檔次的分配,中檔占50%,低檔30% 20% ,這樣的分配不一定是的,但是肯定是穩(wěn)的,畢竟沒人知道明天,要給自己留點后路。
3、無論什么商品,黑 白 紅 三個顏色永遠(yuǎn)是王道,特別反映在皮包上,這三款顏色肯定要多拿,其他跳一條的顏色少拿。
4、種類盡量全,飾品店的產(chǎn)品無非以下幾類:1。頭飾 2首飾 3。日用品百貨 4?;瘖y品以及化妝品工具 ,我以我四年開店的經(jīng)驗告訴大家,頭飾要全,首飾要精,百貨要奇,化妝品要常用,記住這個 你的大方向就不會錯。
Nomi product shelf design, Nomi brand design, Guangzhou Nomi product shelf
Guangzhou Baqianli Shelf Co., Ltd. is a fast-moving goods store shelf, clothing store shelves, jewelry store shelves, clothing store props, store design, underwear store shelves, famous products store shelves, 伶俐 brand shelves, supermarket shelves, Aote Les store shelves, KM men's shelves, ZARA shelves, UR men's and women's shelves, HM store shelves, Decathlon shelves, Muji shelves, Yue Shi Feng Ling shelves, GXG shelves, PEACE? BIRD shelves and other products specializing in the production and processing of companies, have A complete and scientific quality management system. The integrity, strength and product quality of Guangzhou Baqianli Shelf Co., Ltd. have been recognized by the industry. Welcome friends from all walks of life come to visit, guide and negotiate business.
How to purchase goods in the jewelry store is more reasonable
1, the distribution of goods grade, 50% in the mid-range, 30% in the low-end 20%, this allocation is not necessarily the best, but it is certainly the most stable, after all, no one knows tomorrow, to leave some way for yourself.
2, the style of the goods, 80% of the neutral, 20% of the personality, or the old saying, we have to sell the product to the public, screaming is not a seat, I think everyone does not want to see.
3. No matter what kind of goods, black, white and red, the three colors will always be kings, especially reflected on the leather bag. These three colors must be taken more, and the other ones are less colored.
4, the type is as full as possible, the jewelry store's products are nothing more than the following categories: 1. Headwear 2 Jewelry 3. Daily necessities department store 4. Cosmetics and cosmetics tools, I told you in my four years of experience in the store, the headwear should be all, the jewelry should be fine, the department store should be strange, the cosmetics should be used frequently, remember this is not wrong in your general direction.
Nomi product shelf design, Nomi brand design, Guangzhou Nomi product shelf
Guangzhou Baqianli Shelf Co., Ltd.