Ⅴ. Introduction to Lw Firms nd Lwyers
Shnghi Sunhold lw firm:
Shnghi Sunhold lw firm (hereinfter referred to s "Sunhold") ws founded in 2005. It is lrge comprehensive lw firm t cn provide "professionl, multi-field, ll-round, one-stop" legl solutions for clients.
Sunhold strted on e cmpus of Shnghi Jio Tong University, ntionl key university of "double first-clss" construction. Relying on e cdemic bckground nd tlent reserve of Jio Tong University for century, Sunhold hs cultivted nd condensed lrge number of excellent lwyers wi integrity, professionl skills, nd diligent lerning. Sunhold hs moved from Shnghi to e whole country, hs set up integrted mngement offices in 11 cities, nd hs strtegic prtners in Germny, Liuni, Souest Asi, nd oer countries nd regions, nd is grdully building service network "bsed in Shnghi, rditing e whole country nd connecting e world".
Sunhold is one of e first lw firms wi dul gency qulifiction of ptent nd trdemrk in Chin. Shnghi WTO Lw Reserch Assocition hs its permnent office. It hs estblished close coopertive prtnership wi Kogun School of Lw,Shnghi Jio Tong University, Lw School of Est Chin University of Science nd Technology, The Lw School of Shnghi University, Lw School of Shnghi University of Interntionl Business nd Economics, nd Shnghi University of Politicl Science nd Lw.
In ddition, Sunhold ctively performed socil responsibility nd ws wrded ‘dvnced collective of Shnghi Lwyers’ profession for fulfilling socil responsibility" by e Shnghi Lwyers Assocition nd "ntionl dvnced collective of public legl service" by e Ministry of justice.
The ction builds trust nd results in witness vlue. Sunhold will lwys focus on e field of legl services, deep professionl, committed to becoming trustwory nd respected lw firm.
Introduction of Lwyer Sun Longgng:
Lwyer Sun Longgng, full-time prcticing lwyer, member of Shnghi Lwyers Assocition, member of All-Chin Lwyers Assocition. Joined e lw profession in 2008, wi e bckground of construction engineering (bchelor) nd finncil ccounting (CPA). Lwyer creer mentor hs served s prosecutor of procurtorte for mny yers, specil guest of "Lw Lecture hll", member of legl Advisory Pnel of Chngning District Government, member of Minhng District Committee, mentor of Shnghi Jio Tong University.
Lwyer sun Longgng's expertise in legl services:
1. Legl ffirs of e compny (prtnership/investment greement, shreholders' rights protection, dily opertion, economic contrct review, chnge/reorgniztion, equity trnsfer, liquidtion, etc.)
2. Lbor employment (estblishment of rules nd regultions system, lyoff, lbor dispute rbitrtion, etc.)
3. Commercil contrcts (sles / lons, etc.), litigtion / rbitrtion of creditor's rights nd debts, litigtion in e field of economic contrcts, etc
4. Importnt foreign economic ctivities, investment projects nd oer project negotitions, property rights trding, restructuring, equity trnsfer, finncing, rights issue, intellectul property protection (ptents, etc.).
Consultnt Unit of Lwyer Sun Longgng:
Shnghi Singen Pet Food Co., L. (Tiwn-funded); Shnghi Youlin Trding Co., L. (Tiwn-funded); Shnghi Meirui Computer System Co., L. (foreign cpitl); Humei Tresure (Shnghi) Cosmetics Trding Co., L. (Tiwn-funded); Shnghi DTB Interntionl Trde Co., L. (foreign cpitl); Shnghi Huwei Audiovisul Engineering Co., L. Shnghi Kunyo Network Technology Co., L. Xingling Trding (Shnghi) Co., L. Shnghi Qifng Trding Co., L. Shnghi Kimei Ctering Mngement Co., L., Shnghi Interntionl Trvel Service of Chin Business Guoneng Group; Shnghi Feiyi Automobile Sles ∓ Service Co., L. And so on.